Children should be seen not heard - don't go there.

Photo: Pixabay by Alexas_Fotos

How many generations did that saying and sentiment, scar? 

Think about it. 

Growing up THAT was the saying to us young minds and hearts. 

We were to be silent. 

A simple line to control the unruly, became a prison, keeping children and their innocence locked from growing, healing and attaining justice  because they were told their voice doesn't matter. 

Everyone needs to be heard. Whether they are speaking to their dreams, their fears, and while you wipe their tears. 

They not only need to be actively heard, but your eyes need to take in what their voices do not have the strength to say, they need to be seen. 

That quiet kid, sitting in the back of the class, the one who always keeps their back to walls as they take in their surroundings, the shell shocked babies who go home to war zones. You need to see their silent screams in their actions. 

Even that kid who teases and bullies others is screaming their pain. 

That eager child always wanting to pitch in and seems perfect, well, they too have a story that often is going unheard. 

Every time you are near a child, you are an adult in the room - all of us need to realize and act accordingly. 

Kids need to know all that stuff churning within them are emotions every human feels, well almost every human,  and those emotions need to be expressed...not feared, not silenced, nor repressed. 

They need to know they are not bad people for feeling the emotions that egos often subdue because they wont fit the image of growing up, controlled...fake perfection. 

They need to know feeling and owning the good and the bad, is healing and will provide them the tools to repair the damage of..

Children should be seen, not heard. 

Anyway,  this is on my mind this TGIF.  

Be well 💜💜💜

Oh and try to remember, that adult you don't want to hear, was more than likely a child who was ignored...they're still trying to get attention so they too can heal and maybe help others in the process. 


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