Be the Change - Do not fear them

Do not #fear your elected officials. 

Do me a favor, go to a local county meeting of the side of your choosing.... GOP Democratic Party Look around. Those people sitting there are your future elected officials. Get it? They are/were you and your neighbors. The only difference is they got their jobs via votes rather than from a 1:1 interview.  That's it. The only difference. Never think they are above you, you hired them. 

Realize this and that at one time they were like you. But like in any structured corporate environment greed takes over and everyone wants to reach the top, they either face that inner demon or they don't. 

If you want to see integrity sitting in those positions of power then we have to be the leaders, sadly, and remind them that #wallstreet is not their constituent, we are -  if you sit silently by then you are complicit in allowing abuse to continue on in your home. 

Be the change 

Be well


Healing Hearts.

I might be placing my vulnerabilities out there for the world to laugh at and me to be picked apart but we keep getting this wrong, why not try?

At least I want to try to place a bandaid on my branch of the family tree, I am tired of the destruction.


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