Don't Let Go - Healing Hearts.

You will never hear me say "Just let go." 

The reason? Because I know how detrimental that is to say to someone whose heart is breaking or has broken already into those tiny shattered pieces giving light to their despair. It's insulting to their experience, it's dismisses their pain, their trauma suffered and if it was that easy to just 'let go' they already would have released it all. 

Hearts pump blood through our bodies, keeping our souls grounded to our existence - we are born to love one another - to recognize the hearts in others - letting go is not as easy as meme on the internet nor just closing off the memories stored in that heart, even in those tiny shattered pieces that represent trauma and dysfunction...actually probably more so for those of us who've known that pain. 

I'd rather tell people to own their experiences, feel all those emotions they denied when they tried to let go to something their heart knows has value, even if others don't understand. Life's experiences, even those fucking nightmares, are meant to help us grow not ignore, nor to shove away for our remainder of days on this Earth. 

Don't let go - face the pain. Welcome the pain, understand all the facets that cause the ache. Study yourself, those memories and the emotions you are dealing with even if you cannot yet name them for what they are, it will come with the work you put into understanding you. Do it by expressing those memories, the confusion, the pain - all that ache. Do with journaling, art, music or finding that trusted person who can hold your hand, hold those pieces of your heart without judgement while you study them.

Don't run from life's lessons.  

Yeah, it may suck for a bit to go through what others will never understand about your personal journey, but in the end, you must handle your heart with the care so many others do not make a priority. You are the only one who truly understands YOU, and if you don't, well, that tells you that there's some homework to be done. Remember that letting go doesn't repair those pieces, tender loving care does, and patience (ok I can see a certain someone smirking at that one). 

Patience for yourself and your journey has been the hardest part of my walk for me. I, for the most part, am extremely patient of those I love, but for the majority of my life, I had none for myself. I gave to everyone else without seeing the value of giving to myself. Holding on to those pieces shattered rather than just 'letting go' was a long lesson of forcing me to realize I need to work on gluing those pieces together as I held on to the experiences so I could learn, see, realize the errors of my own way. 

Don't let go - learn. Heal your own heart so you can show others they are not alone - that you get it, get them. Heal your own heart so you are no longer your own enemy. Know your it, value the love you gave and give, even if it caused pain. 

Be Well. 


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