Can someone please explain why?

Mid-afternoon coffee thoughts (I just had a nap 🤣 ☕)
I am taking in some local news about a charity framed a bit like Circle of Hope was (Lend a Hand, Grateful Hearts) and how they are being questioned by one segment of the community and supported by the other.
It had me thinking back to those Circle of Hope years when a handful of volunteers helped me in keeping it all together and going until I had to pull back because of becoming editor, I just couldn't juggle it all anymore and my health was already slipping downhill pretty damn quick...
Do you have any idea how many times I had to work with people on the complete other side of the spectrum to help meet needs in that rural conservative community? Just about every day.
People I know who had called me a liberal bitch, or a literal witch - some who quite literally called me a witch with the devil on my back because I didn't attend a church and make the program centralized around religion - plus I was that liberal bitch.
I also had a few who were on the far end of my own aisle - none of us were angels when discussing the other side, politically.
I also saw while either volunteering or covering a story, sometimes both, all these different facets of the community come together when there was a dire need - a tragedy - in the community. For instance the flooding in Elroy, LaValle, Wonewoc areas....fires...tornado/severe storms....missing people....etc..
I remember working alongside with people I knew absolutely hated my existence - were jealous of my one child's gifts and/or despised my other child's identification with the LGBTQ community.
During those times, and sometimes through clenched jaws and snide quips from all sides, we - together- met the needs of our neighbors.
I didn't go home wanting to be friends with them...and I am sure they didn't want to be my friend, but we were able to put aside, for those brief moments in our lives, our personal emotions to feed, house, and offer other support to one another in times of great need.
I don't understand why it is so damn difficult to do that when the tragedy is just as harmful for a neighbor, even if they are experiencing it on their own. Why then do we pick each other apart on how it should be done or even if it should be done?
Can someone explain this to me, pls?
Be Well 💜💜💜




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