Dreaming of the dream...

Ok, so I have had this dream for a while, it is actually the culmination of a few of my dreams throughout life - A tiny home village for those fleeing domestic violence. Safe - secure - gated but not something that looks like a prison or rehab, like so many do. It shouldn't feel like punishment for life beating the shit out of you. 

It needs to be a place where children can feel safe where they can play, learn and grow. The arts would be highlighted for creative release for all. 

They could bring their animals. Do you have any idea how many opt to sleep in their car or the elements because they cannot part with their fur babies? Those connections, bonds, are sometimes the only love survivors will allow in when their wounds are raw. They need that love - those animals know it is their mission to heal that person. BUT, like with anyone who finds themselves shelter-less it is often because of that inseparable bond... 

It also needs to be a place where cookie cutter programs and timelines are not the structure. Life is messy. What brings a survivor to the point of fleeing is one hell of a rocky road that has a high probability of being laid in their childhood. Memories and dysfunction they thought they had laid to rest long ago but the wall of disassociation-no-more will bring them to their knees. Depending on all they endured and survived, along with actual community resources, and their own healthy support systems...takes time. Takes patience. What works for one person doesn't always work for the other - Those cookie cutter programs held hostage by grants and other funding strangling any chance at treating the person, that unique human being with any dignity and respect. 

I mean think about the system, really think about it. A person experiencing a major health situation leaving them disabled has to fight for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) with everything they have and when they are unable to work, let alone probably not to be subjected to stress. They literally are brought to their knees before decisions happen, many are forced to hire an attorney all prepped and ready to cash in on their back disability pay of crumbs, BUT should they become homeless during that process many shelters only give them 30 days to find something. HOW? 

Now imagine that person being someone who was also fleeing domestic violence and with children..

You see what I mean? 

Every story is different. Predetermined timelines do not work. It is an argument I've had with many over the years and when I was volunteering in my community. 

Of course there would be a need for rules and parameters but first and foremost is building a foundation that is safe for all to walk on while healing, adults and children. There should be an emphasis on entrepreneurship, tech schools, financial workshops, gardening to sustain life...etc...

A Utopia for those who need it the most when they need it the most... 

Anyway - 

Those are today's coffee thoughts - 

Be Well💜 💜💜

Main Image (Above): Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay


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