Dear Anne Frank.....Money doesn't respect life - could it?

Dear Anne Frank, 
Life. All the killings and torture from war and political and/or religious battles all suggest they begin out of a respect for their citizens' lives and security. 
That is a lie

Does money and luxury respect life ?

Then why do we bow to it?

We fight because we want to be best, have something someone else has...greed.

I don't understand - it's like taking food from the starving, or ignoring a child trembling or an elderly person who has fallen. 

I want SOMEONE to prove to me we can change that, then maybe, I would have more respect for those who sit in a tower of gold. Thus far my life has been filled with trauma from others thinking someone else has more than them. 

Anne, we didn't get better. We didn't learn. 


Image by ibrahim abed from Pixabay


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