Dear Anne Frank....Guide Us.

Dear Anne Frank ,

Yesterday, off and on throughout the day and in between the breaking news being hurled at us, I watched one of the movies about your life. 

Yes, Anne, there are movies about you and they come from countries all over the world. Your innocence and your struggles as a young teen going through those changes as you were confined in a cage - 

We all visit you, we take your words and recite them outloud on our social media feeling like we are making a difference. For many, your words replace their voices they fear being known, so they point to you - BUT -  then they walk away not understanding your spirit, and remaining silent their own fears and dreams. 

We do it with all of the people like you - we stand on your podiums like mimes forgetting that if we are not present in our own lives, standing tall on our own, sharing that voice we all have, your words are being retold in vain.  

My hope is one day it all comes together and people start realizing our voices are the greatest weapons we own. That is why they attempt to silence us before the slaughter. We easily use those voices to gossip but when it comes time to be bold for justice for all, we are silent.

Guide us Anne - whisper to us your strength and wisdom so we may find the strength to use our own and come out of hiding before it is too late.

It is morning and my coffee calls. 


Image by Pezibear - Pixabay


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