Dear Anne Frank....We are a society of indifference, still


Dear Anne Frank, 

Every day I say it is tense, I know, but it is and it grows.  I read something yesterday which made the hairs on my arms stand on end - it was on a military camp located in Greenland during the cold war which started after you lost your life in the Holocaust - a place called Camp Century.  

What is scary about it is if the world doesn't address  it soon, the next generation will watch life, all of it on our planet, die from the domino effect of neglect and we did it to ourselves. We turned away gambling with the lives of others before making a choice to honor life and the lives we walk with while on Earth. 

Mankind hasn't learned yet Anne - we still turn away until it hits the doors of our home. Disregard. We did it when they started gathering up Jews and placing them in ghettos - we knew what was happening and we even allowed the evil to assemble in our country and throw rallies. It's sick. Truly sick knowing that happened especially after reading your words decades after you were murdered by the same poison. We celebrate ourselves as liberators because we did help bring an end to that war but we didn't see the need to intervene until Pearl Harbor, where bombs were dropped on our land. 

Anne, we are all in the crossfire of hate,  fear, and greed - and have been since the beginning of time. We run to feed it while starving/neglecting the souls around of us basic care and consideration- 

Again, Anne, I am sorry that we didn't see you until it was too late.  

Morning has broken and it is time to prepare for what the light of day will bring - I hope the fog of chaos clears.


 Image by Vyshnikov from Pixabay


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