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Showing posts from November, 2010

Cold feet...

My feet are cold. For the first time that I can remember in a very long time, my feet are cold. I realized that this yesterday morning as I sat at my computer sipping my coffee and trying to concentrate on getting my articles in for dead line day... Something was missing...someone was best friend.... His name was Kodiak - Kody or Cody for short. He was my best friend, always there for me, always watching over me, and always grateful for my presence. He was my pet, my companion and a member of my family.  Monday I had to make a decision that shattered my heart - I took his pain away for the last time and held him as he fell to sleep for the last time. Many animals have come and gone in my 42 years on this Earth.  A Siamese cat named Kelly who I grew up with...we got him when we were both two years old, and he passed on when we were 21 years old. Then there was also a dog named Angel - a face that truly only a mother could love - she was my baby for also