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Showing posts from April, 2013

Too soon..

They grow up too soon. Today we are celebrating my baby boy, Kyle, turning 15 years old. He is far from that baby who once had to be snuggled up with me at all times. I look at this picture of him with this llama and am in awe at how fast time flies. The picture was taken in what seems to be just in a blink of an eye ago but when I count the years it was 6 of those 6 years he has grown from a sweet nine year old child to a teenager larger than most men I know. Knowing Kyle is an experience all it's own. I may sound like I am sitting here with nothing but the sentiment of a mother watching her growing wings, however in all actuality there's a part of me wondering just what the next three years will bring - you see - Kyle - is far from average or predictable. For years now I've questioned just how I would make it through his childhood - and not because he is a troublemaker but rather because his mind goes and grows at such a rapid pace it leaves all around h