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Showing posts from June, 2018

Echoes - Remembering Justin's Passions

Yesterday I was taken back in time - a time when my life was so much simpler. I was a young housewife with two small children. It was a pleasant time in my life. My children were wide-eyed smiling bright lights of hope, and my husband was actively working his once stint of sobriety.  My greatest worry was planning the weekend's events- would we take the children to a movie; would we go for a short weekend trip; or would we just have a simple weekend at home? Kyle , my youngest kept me on my toes- always needing some mind/body stimulation. Then there was Justin, who could get lost for hours staring at maps, photos of architecture or spending his time recreating buildings he knew with his blocks. He would be perfectly content sitting in silence, lost in his world of shapes and space. Those buildings he recreated always had to be to scale -he would build them on the table while sitting on his knees, looking up at them- every detail had to be right. From day one of Justin enterin

Breakthroughs in Healing - A Discussion

I have started something new on the When I Became Free Facebook page , live video discussions. Just the mere fact I am doing videos is a huge personal breakthrough - This is the video I posted today. Let me know what you think and PLEASE let me know if there are any topics you would like for me to cover in future videos! If you've been following my blog, then you know I am transparent and believe in using your life - Everything Happens for a Reason!

A new day

Last night I was finally able to let go of a secret I hated carrying. For the past two and a half years it ate away at me.  Over the course of those 30 months, there have been numerous times I wanted to scream out the truth, but I made a promise to a friend that I wouldn't until the time was right. Last night, that time finally came. With it came the closing of a chapter which puts me one step closer to that last chapter of the book I one day hope to write. A book that will tell the story of my transition from victim to survivor to flying free. Every day I am getting a little closer - I feel it. One large step remains, but, hopefully, soon it will be behind me. The secret I exposed last night, I realize, may come at a price as I know I am stepping on some wealthy toes - millionaires, in fact, one of which was mentored by a billionaire who is known to go for the proverbial throat. But, at the same time, there's a huge part of me that really doesn't give a damn. The dam

Learning to be Free

Learning2bfree is an email address I created back in 2006. Actually, it was on May 30th of that year - so, we just passed the anniversary.  My then husband had just been arrested and hauled off to jail for domestic abuse, again. I can remember sitting in the room I used as an office. The lights were out and there was only the twinkle of a candle and the light from my computer screen. Soft rock from the 70s was playing in the background and a glass of red wine sat on my desk.  My world was crumbling down all around me. Before I knew it or even realized, I created that screen name for AOL, hence it became the email address that I still use today - then it was a mission, now I keep it as a reminder. I find myself looking back to that night, trying to remember the events that have happened through those foggy years of getting on the path to healing. Perhaps it is best I don't remember everything. I was so young, in my 30s but felt like I was ancient, that I had already lived we