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Showing posts from September, 2010

"Needy" frustrations

"Needy" - what a horrible word that is. I view it much like I view the word "burden", a word used by someone who just wants to slam the door on others rather than attempting to understand who might be knocking. Words that are used to judge another without walking in their shoes. Guess I am extra sensitive this week. It's been one of those weeks where the weight of the world has been placed on my shoulders - it doesn't help that I have a cold that seems to want to hang other words..I feel crappy. Anyway, I read that word, "needy", on my local radio station's website and in their Question of the Week - they were asking if area organizations , churches, and agencies were doing enough for the "needy"... Now, to remind you, this would be the very same radio station where last year when I reached out to them to help address the homeless issue in our community, the station owner sent me an email where he told me "we don