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Showing posts from August, 2011

Injustice - Once upon a time........

Once upon a time there was a woman who loved a man. He said he loved her too. He showed it in many ways, especially after he would beat her - hit her -kick her - leave her bloody...tell her she was ugly - no good -stupid...yes, after those acts he was always kinder.  Once upon a time there was a woman who decided enough was enough - she remembered all those commercials and those public service announcements that told her she deserved more from life, and that she never deserved to be abused.  She followed their advice and sought justice.  Once upon a time...that woman couldn't understand why when she made all the calls to the police, to the prosecutor, and even sometimes the advocates she often received a "busy" signal. She asked herself if this was what justice was suppose to feel like? All the voices in those commercials, those public service announcements were not there for her - she felt more alone than ever - more bruised and battered than ever before. She had the s

PIF - Paying it forward...

Much of what I post about here on this blog may help others in some way, but it's not always uplifting - topics of homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault and child sexual assault are not usually the "go to" topics for a smile or uplifting news. As it is is  - right now I have a post brewing in my head and as soon as I am able to focus and find the needed words it will be written - but again, it will not be uplifting - rather it will place emphasis on cracks in the systems - the justice system -and how those cracks feed the cycle of abuse. Lessons - and perhaps seeds that will one day grow and fill some of those cracks  - but until that day cannot be considered uplifting. So, having said that - the content on this blog is just one aspect of me - my vents - the others aspects of me are rarely seen here - my subtle...yet slap ya in the face sarcasm - doesn't always show through, nor does the fact when I need a little cheerful reading...encoura