Saturday Morning Coffee Thoughts on Dysfunction, brainwashing, and greed.


Many of us grew up being trained to protect Evil - it's that "never tell anyone!" vocal and even if it is silent, threat. It silenced our voices, stunted our emotional growth and chained our souls to an invisible prison. Masks hiding our truths while we empowered dysfunction's gears to keep churning. 

 If you wonder why and how so many people can be brainwashed to follow the epitome of evil, Greed and it's evil call....think back to how your friends or even you were trained as a child during your days of growing up not being seen while you remained silent protecting abuse and the abusers - 

 Stop that. 

 Back in the day of reporting and community volunteering advocacy, I used to get agency people whispering in my ear so they could protect their jobs, knowing I would do something about the injustice being exposed to me. 

 I allowed these people to use me as the battering ram - knowingly.I knew they were protecting their jobs/income/image, and even if I would have handled if differently myself, as them, an injustice is an injustice and if it involves children and/or survivors and their safety, it needs to be addressed. 

 I allowed it for the greater good. I placed my welfare below theirs, my image...too. And when the you know what would hit the fan, they would recoil back to their holes and allow me to take the hits, on my own. 

It was a very lonely place to be and I knew exactly what was happening as it did - I fully knew if they were willing to whisper to me, they'd be willing to whisper to others about me to protect their image and those hefty salaries and benefits they kept, while I hustled to eek out an existence. 

 I allowed it. I allowed quite a bit a more a self confident person would never have allowed. But here's the thing - everything I did I didn't do to protect an image, nor to keep or gain income, I did it because it was what was needed, and for that i will always know was the right thing to do. 

 The difference this time around is those selfish whisperers will no longer be protected by me keeping secrets. If you whisper at me I am going to scream back, "SPEAK LOUDER!" 

 That is all... Now back to my coffee..... 

PS... in small communities like this was/is. agency people are often viewed as the liberal elite in rural poor conservative counties and yes, most of those whisperers were/are liberal. If you want to know how these great divides happen, look at your community's backyard. That is how and why both parties need some sweeping done, and I say that with my bleeding heart.

*as always, ignore typos, as I am no longer concerned about meeting society's views on perfection. 


Healing Hearts.

I might be placing my vulnerabilities out there for the world to laugh at and me to be picked apart but we keep getting this wrong, why not try?

At least I want to try to place a bandaid on my branch of the family tree, I am tired of the destruction.


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