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Are We Evolving or Destroying Life - Embryonic Stem Cells Research May Save Trump's Life

My fingers are numb after a day of typing away in a tizzy fit because I was one ticked off Mama, today. 

Life, like it has been for all of us, has been a roller coaster ride from Hell for the last 6 months. I have a house of young adults who all were laid off in the months of March and April, and all due to Covid. Add to that I am in the demographic of middle aged persons without health insurance AND with medical needs, the kids have been worried about bringing home something that would kill me - the only active and present parent my boys have. I've promised them that I am too stubborn to go before I have a chance to spoil rotten any future grandchildren - and I mean that with every ounce of my being. I didn't fight to get through the hurdles life threw my way to end on a pathetic note, damnit! 

Our day started off much like every day for the last 6 months - until that is my youngest went to certify his unemployment. Tennessee is making an active effort to push people off of unemployment, that was obvious, despite the fact Covid is rampant - rather than detailing out the entire morning, just take a look at the letter my son wrote this morning to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce. After you read it you may understand why I went into full blown advocate mode, from the confines of my bedroom. 

It was during the storm of Tweets and Facebook posts I stumbled by something that caught my attention. 



Mind you, that this all occurred on the very day President Trump decided to place the lives of his Secret Service detail at risk but he just had to leave his Covid infected Presidential Suite at Walter Reed Medical Center for a little drive by his supporters lined up along the street outside. A stunt that didn't go over well with at least one physician from the premiere medical facility. 

That was a hard pill to swallow - the President of OUR United States actively and willingly placed lives at risk for no reason other than a publicity stunt, or as Dr. Phillips said, political theater. I was furious. We have over 200k deaths and growing, I'm trying to stay safe so I can be there for my children who are still young adults and need me AND I am only 52 years old.  My sons have had enough of life's hurdles to last a lifetime, and quite frankly I am tired of other people's actions having a severely negative impact to my family and me, especially from abusers. 

Now I know some of my readers may support him, but I don't and never have - if you go back through my posts to four years ago, this may help you understand why he makes my stomach churn - Campaign War (2016) . I've sat and wiped the tears of too many survivors in the effort to keep them ALIVE, including myself. 

As I read the information contained in the Tweet from @AryaKicksButt, I wondered how this is not out there in the forefront, especially considering the fact that Trump most likely caught Covid from being irresponsible with his and everyone else's health a week ago at the Supreme Court Justice nomination ceremony of Amy Coney Barrett held in the Rose Garden at the White House - hardly any masks and no social distancing. 

He is ramming her down our throats, as people are voting, and I believe for one reason - to garner votes from the Pro-Life crowd. SHE, in my opinion,  is allowing herself to be used for that purpose during a time when our country is  divided with civil unrest, and the only reason I can surmise is with an aim to overturn Roe vs Wade, or at the very least, whittle away at the rights other women fought for and attained because of the efforts of the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginzburg -who, up to the day she died,  held the Supreme Court seat Barrett is aiming to fill. She has stated that she believes that life begins at conception - in a September 25, 2020 article published on Life News they reported: 

Though her judicial rulings on abortion are few, she did rule in support of two Indiana pro-life laws during her time on the Seventh Circuit. She also has made several statements about the value of babies in the womb. According to the Law and Crime blog, Barrett signed a public letter in 2015 that emphasized “the value of human life from conception to natural death.” She also said she believes that life begins at conception.

 Personally, I am Pro-Life, but that is for my own body and based on my spiritual beliefs (former devout Catholic who has evolved) ....and my choice - hence why for all, I am Pro-Choice.I have known too many survivors who have to make that choice after being raped by an abuser. I know one young lady who found healing in giving birth to a beautiful child conceived out of a brutal crime and then I know others who emotionally couldn't handle carrying the pain they suffered full-term. I don't judge their choice, I offer the support any of them need to make it through whatever they and their doctors, including mental health, have decided is best for sustaining their life. Now, getting back to the main topic, what really threw me was yet another jewel of information -, according to an article published in USA Today: 

President Donald Trump previously reported he earned capital gains from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Gilead Sciences Inc., the manufacturers of two of the medicines he's taken as part of his COVID-19 treatment plan.

According to a 2017 financial disclosure form filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics in June 2017, Trump had a capital gain of $50,001 to $100,000 for Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and $100,001 to $1 million for Gilead Sciences Inc. The form notes the information was of April 15, 2017.

Think hard about all that I just spelled out: 

Trump made the active and willing choice NOT to wear a mask to protect himself and others from Covid. He made sure the seating at the Rose Garden event did not allow for social distancing. Other republican leadership at the event, also were not wearing masks. Barrett was not wearing a mask, nor were her family, including all of her minor children. All of which goes against what even Trump's CDC has advised for the protection of LIFE.  

Trump went about his week not wearing a mask, including at public events, all of which landed him with a diagnosis of Covid. Even after testing positive he made the active CHOICE to go to more events, knowingly exposing his enterrouge and the general public before even telling the public his diagnosis. 

The drugs administered to him by doctors trying to save his LIFE come from a company that utilizes human embryonic stem cells, which most who support Pro-Life, his base, are against, including his nominee for the Supreme Court. Do they even know the man made some capital gains bucks of that research? 

After receiving those drugs to save his LIFE, he then again made the CHOICE to endanger others by going for a ride with Secret Service, who are employees without a CHOICE, for a little ride to be cheered on and admired by the very same people who are Pro-Life. They cheered as those government employees were forced by the leader of the supposed free world to escort him. 

Then, tonight, I see a rah rah post for Trump by one of his most vocal supporters, Senator Marsha Blackburn, who is an avid Pro-Life advocate. She too believes life begins at conception, at least she has been rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance.

Meanwhile, for many, their LIVES and quality of LIFE are on the line as they are at the mercy of these employees of our's who get to make the critical decisions in how our living breathing souls should be impacted by their choices - including whether or not we get to dodge their free flying invisible Covid bullets when forced into dangerous employment situations so we can sustain the lives we have....

I know, it is a lot to wrap your mind around....

Are we evolving in understanding the true value of LIFE or are we destroying it? 

Will everything they are against because of their Pro-Life stance save the President who made active choices to endanger our lives by exposing the public to his Covid? 

If you're a believer, ask yourself....

Is God watching us? Is he testing us? Is he asking us what we value most, the life he gave each of us, individually? All life placed on this planet, our home? Just the lives breathing? The lives near ending? The ones born but who rely on others until they grow to make their own decisions? Or the life that may actually start at the moment of conception, hidden deep within the womb of a women who may be looking forward to a beautiful child to nurture or may feel like she needs to end her own life because, moving forward to full term would harm the life she is living? 

In a time when we have people protesting in support of Black Lives Matter while others are screaming back All Lives Matter while carrying weapons that could kill multiple lives in a very small fragment of time, all I can do is sit in my home protecting my own life, so that my children have me around in their lives as long as possible...and yes, because I also want to one day look into the eyes of my future grandchild, hopefully grandchildren, and know all the struggles I survived in my lifetime at the hands of many abusers...child sexual assault, domestic violence and marital rape...was worth the life I was blessed to live. 

To follow is my son, Kyle (guitar) and the band he is in, Super Brick.  His life revolves around bringing joy to others with music. Interestingly enough - this video they just created as all of these differing opinions and situations of life came crashing together in my mind tonight. Yes, I truly believe Everything Happens for a Reason, we just need to pay attention. 

 "No one knows if there is life after death or if we are born again" 

Around Our Heads. 


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