Hanging on to a glimmer of hope - journal/vent out loud.
Have you ever wanted to go numb because you cannot fathom any longer, not for one moment, why mankind has turned down the path that we have been on? Lately there's not a day I don't wonder how so many people do not comprehend the fact we've been divided for a reason.
It is the same reason urban and those rural folks living in poverty share more than they care to realize. Profits are being made on Wall Street by the corporations impacting every aspect of your life from the gas price at the pump to whether or not they will approve that MRI, or medication, or even surgery you or your loved on desperately needs.
You all share that and they get government subsidies on top of those profits made off our backs while they stomp all over us and then feed garbage on to the airwaves for us to hate everyone but the jerk sitting back vacationing off our pain.
Yeah, there are days I wish I could just turn off my heart and not feel the pain of experiencing while knowing exactly the reason whys.
My life has been a path of examples, whether it was the steps I walked on my own or when I was trying to break cycles and show others how - much like walking through and out an active battlefield in war torn Europe, almost impossible.
People are ignoring the issues that we actually share and could turn our way out of this destruction caused by personalities and the old guard not willing to give up power to the new....and that is happening on both sides, all sides,
Look at what has shifted once we gave personal, individual, rights to corporations - the path leading there was birthed during the 80s generation of consumption- the more the better - to the 90s and the laughable trickle down economics we were fed. The spiral of greed has been spinning for a long while, we just added a swift kick to it with Citizens United.
We've created this and shortened our attention spans all at the same time.
It is mind numbing to see in that rear-view mirror the steps we took. We've failed our children through all of this, we have failed them and we need to be accountable to them.
I've seen, witnessed and helped where I could communities in central rural Wisconsin as well as Memphis and the NW Burbs of Chicago come together in each of those areas for the benefit of a neighbor, strangers. It is in all of us to do that no matter the color of our skin, the God we may or may not pray to, or how much money we have in our bank accounts - it is in all of us to care for and about each other, LOVE. The essence of pure love we try to recreate throughout our lives.
We are losing touch of that, showing our kids how it is done and how much more it means to walk that way and helping those we may disagree with, it doesn't mean accepting abuse but rather honoring every life deserves food, shelter and a bit of kindness. I mean after all this division has played off our so-called morals and fears to begin with, might as well walk the walk and show our leaders how it is done.
You see for some reason and believe me when I tell you I struggle with this probably more than any of you will ever know, my heart still holds on to hope that we can get this right, somehow. I've beaten myself up over that thought -fighting insecurities and some pain only a few know about but who do realize the damage done is like no other, I fear that I am setting myself up for a disappointment..to be laughed at...dissected...ridiculed....hated. Especially after....well, if you know, you know. My mind tells me I should hate some people right now and really others would understand why, but I can't. I've tried. I thought it would make the pain easier to swallow, but it doesn't.
Maybe that is why I still hold on to a glimmer of hope.
Or maybe I am just whacked out and it's time for three meals a day, some arts and crafts and good drugs... ? Not funny, I know but damn we've gotten too sensitive about some things and lost touch with what it truly matters to be sensitive about...
Anyway, thank you for being patient with my Monday afternoon vent out loud.
I really do think we have more in common than we will ever not ...
Be Well.
Healing Hearts.
I might be placing my vulnerabilities out there for the world to laugh at and me to be picked apart but we keep getting this wrong, why not try?
At least I want to try to place a band-aid on my branch of the family tree, I am tired of the destruction.