Spring has sprung

Spring had sprung, no doubt about that one.......

And with it this week also came chaos....

Chaos at work
Chaos in the home
And Chaos in the volunteer work I do...
And nosey bodies causing even more issues with their passive aggressive envious behaviors

I haven't been writing much mainly because I've been busier than hell. Busy with carting Kyle to and from doctor offices, work, and volunteering while wearing many hats...among some other things

Such is life..........

That's just it...it's life.

Last year at this time my stress was centered around figuring out how to live, while the world around me was caving in on top of me. The difference with this year, while I have many of the same worries and concerns, I am not allowing them to rule me but rather I am living and taking control ..........I'm in the driver's seat and driving myself out from under the cave in.

There will always be problems...
There will always be stress when it comes to the children...
Money comes and go.....
And of course, there will always be nosey bodies
(hell, being a part time reporter -I would know that better than anyone, LOL)

Despite all the chaos...the drama...and those always looming financial concerns....Life is good.

The chaos at work provides money to work with...
The chaos with children reminds me I am a mother and a woman who has been blessed with knowing the greatest love of all...
The chaos involved with all my volunteer efforts touches my heart each and every day and helps in making me a better person while I take an active role in community...
The nosey bodies in my life tell me I am one hell of an interesting person with a life worth knowing.........

And that new dog in our family...Gus...well, he constantly tests my patience and shows me I am one hell of a patient woman...........(he is a three yr old ...200lb St Bernard learning for the first time in his young life on how to be an "inside" dog - need I say more?)

Yes, that's him ..on top of my kitchen table!

Life is good!

Happy Spring!

And with that...enjoy........


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