My New Year's Thank You

This has been the year to experience some joy..some pain..
Because without it the human spirit cannot gain...
It cannot gain the knowledge it needs to go on..
On to a different path, steps forward..a new dawn.

However, before those steps I take are to be made..
There are some "thank you's" that must first be paid..
Gratitude shown to the lives in my quest of living life..
The people who have provided smiles in midst of strife..

Some of you may have been far..physically distant....
Though the emotional support shown was always lovingly consistent..
Others may have been with the present...
the here and now..
Ears open...eyes venting you did listen to and willingly allow.

Then there were some who provided me with a mental distraction..
A game of cat and mouse fulfilling a challenging satisfaction.
Twisted messages sent, and received giving way to new days..
Spider webs filled with smiles thrown into a wordy hazy maze..

Whatever the role in my life's last year you may have played...
A mark has been left, a memory is stored and has been made..
So as the next year begins it's new air...the fresh start..
Please will always be in my heart.

I hope you all find in life you all richly wholeheartedly deserve...
Just remember from time to time to sit back and observe..

With that..

May all your dreams and wishes for a New Year come true..
This here poetic piece is my end of year ...heartfelt...
Thank You!

Love Always..
Eva Marie


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