A Christmas Mystery.......
Ok...I debated about writing about this when it all first started..
I wasn't sure what to make of it all...
I thought maybe it was a friend having some little Christmas fun with my boys...I knew one of them had been picking up things here and there for them as was planning on giving it all to them for Christmas...but since she dropped those things off yesterday....and I made her swear on her deeply religious heart that she wasn't keeping a secret....I need to reevaluate the situation, and I thought I would clue you all in on it.............besides, you never know and perhaps there should be a written record documenting it all....
How do I begin?? Hmmm....?
It all started a couple of weeks ago. A letter came in the mail addressed to my sons. In the return address area it said "Christmas Clue."
Inside was a card with a letter...I cannot find the letter but I remember it said something about it not being a "Blues Clues Christmas" and to look in the mail for future clues...
This is when I thought it was that friend of mine...."sweet"...I thought
Last week another friend of mine handed me a card and said it was from 3 secret Santas who wanted to make sure I was able to give the boys a Christmas...inside was a lovely card, and some cash - it all brought tears to my eyes...well...actually I sobbed - just a couple of days before that I had signed up for the "Toys for Joys" program as once again Christmas was going to be like the last couple.....with me counting pennies just to make sure the lights stayed on, and the kids were fed.
So, needless to say those 3 secret Santas rejuvenated a tired mom's heart.
Inside, I told myself this gesture must explain that letter.....
But .....
The next day....
In the mail.....
Came another one....
The only difference was this one was postmarked from Milwaukee where the other one was Madison...everything else was the same except for the message:
Justin and Kyle
Somewhere over the rainbow sky's are blue
the grass beneath is green
but you won't need any - green that is to
your holiday dreams come true
Just rely on Old St, Nick...
Now I was back thinking it was that friend of mine I had mentioned earlier on....
Yesterday was when that friend dropped off those things and when I questioned her...well...actually drilled her.... I was stumped
After that conversation I tried to convince myself all of this was no big deal...things like this doesn't happen to us and if I thought about it too much I would just work myself up and drive myself nuts wondering and analyzing about it....besides, like most things in my upside down life...who'd believe it all??
Which brings me to this afternoon and why now I can't keep quiet.
Letter #3 came...postmarked this time from Madison ...
Justin and Kyle
On the night before Christmas the stars will be
you are going away, so pack for an overnight
pack a toothbrush,
pj's, swim trunks and more
put them in the car, or at least by the
St. Nick is making his list and checking it twice
hoping you'll be not naughty and extra nice
keep an eye on the mail
...for your next clue..
So....now you see why I can't stay quiet???
This is driving me nuts!!!!
I research....I snoop...it's all part of my job...it's more than "wanting" to know...it's a need. And, when I don't know I drive myself nutty wondering......
I mean really......
With everything...all the wonders that Lend A Hand and being part of that has done for me..all the gifts I have received in just watching it grow into something that helps me to keep believing in "Everything happens for a reason," - has been more than this heart that cries at the sight of a Holiday Hallmark commercial....can take...
Why do I have this feeling deep inside that no matter what happens this holiday season I am forever going to be changed?
Really...things like this doesn't happen to people like me.....and to see my children anxiously await the mail for another clue is worth all the Hallmark commercials that have ever been...you can also throw in that coffee commercial where the son comes home for college and his mother finds him making coffee in the kitchen.....damn!!!!!!!!! Gets me every time I see it.....
I will keep you posted on where this Christmas mystery takes the boys and I, but I already know this year....with everything...has been truly the year where I feel free from the past..........
I'm following, I want to see what happens.