Cool Beans! This does work!
Every so often I hear from some of the sites I link to in this blog. Today was one of those days...I heard from Let Go Let Peace Come In - they emailed out their Google reports showing where visitors to their site come from....what city..what country...or where they clicked a link on another site...
Often I wonder if the people visiting this blog are among the crowd I am trying to reach. I can see where you come from, when you visit but unless you leave a comment I don't know if anything on my blog actually touches you - HOWEVER - reports like the one I got today from Let Go Let Peace Come In tells me that the people...readers...visiting this site are the people I am trying to reach because they are reaching out to other like sites from mine....
This is what I saw today that has me just bursting..........
This is an excerpt from their report dating back to last Feb....they've been linked on my site since around last May or June...
Our site is most visited through direct links (39% of the traffic). Google was used to search for our site 811 times (14%) while 26% of site traffic was generated via links in e-mails. We are survivors has produced 152 visits (3%) , RAD Online has produced 95 visits (2%), Facebook has 317 visits (5%), NAPAC has 166 visits (3%), and the Chewed Up and Spat Out blog has 136 visits (3%). The other 5% of visits are comprised from smaller blog sites and news venues. We have also started to see some search activity generated by the Bing search engine; 69 visits.
Just thought I would share with you all that none of us are alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey - drop a line every so often so that I know that too!