Recession begets family violence

Top what we know to be true about how the recession has a hand in the increase of DV with the cut in services for victims, along with advocacy orgs focus being diverted to more funding rather than how best to serve....we have a mess!

We see it in all aspects of any given community, including the schools where children in abusive homes often lash out at others and then schools wonder why there is an increase in bullying....

And if we don't start addressing this issue on every level...offender...victim...child victims...disconnected justice systems...failed advocacy orgs...etc..etc. we are really going to see the domino effect in generations to come ...DV is a crime whose damage can be felt for generations...


Victims don't leave abusive situations mainly due to financial concerns...

If they press charges against their abuser who is the biological parent to the children, and they end up in prison...child support goes on the back burner (inmates don't earn that weekly check)

There are so many obstacles in the path of a victim becoming a survivor....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


Clueless said…
Yes, this is a very sad effect of this countries financial state. I don't know about elsewhere; but, in California in order to "balance the budget" an across the board 10% cut was made for all services. This has highly impacted non-profit agencies and social services and the schools. Naive move...possibly devastating consequences.

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